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Austral Highway
Carretera Austral
Pax number: Min. 6 / Max. 12 (limited vacancies) 
Difficulty: Medium/high (Average: 62 km per day / road type: 150 km gravel - 409 km pavement)
Previous experience in recreational or professional cycling sports, good physical condition and previous training.
Dec. 2-12, 2024 

Jan.3 - 13, 2025 
Feb 1-11, 2025

*You can connect this route with the southern tour. 


Jan. tour:  USD 1.600  (mix camping & hostels)

Dec. & Feb. tours:  USD 2500 (3* hotels & cabins, bed only) 

Rent a bike (normal) USD 300 / E-bike USD 500 (20% off included)

Northern Carretera Austral  Itinerary 

The city of Puerto Montt is the entrance to route 7, this adventure of cycling invites you to visit the most spectacular landscapes of the Northern Austral Road. We will start the journey navigating the Reloncaví Estuary and the Bi-modal Route and pedaling through mountains, lakes, rivers, fjords, glaciers and native forests of the Los Lagos and Aysén Region.
You will meet more than 10 locations, among which are Hornopirén, Chaitén, Villa Santa Lucía, La Junta, Puyuhuapi, Mañihuales and Coyhaique. In these destinations, we will make our lodging and feeding stops, where we can know part of the history, traditions and local culture. This Cycletouring route faces pavement and gravel roads, as well as important challenges such as the Moraga and Queulat slope.
Come with us to know and enjoy spectacular attractions such as Pumalín Park, Yelcho Glacier, Palena River, Risopatron Lake, the majestic Hanging Glacier of Queulat National Park. Do not miss out on this great personal experience, an opportunity to travel sustainably and contributing to local communities.



January tour, 2024

Hostel o cabins, 4 nights.  

Camping, 5 nights. (Includes tents for 2 and 3 people sharing).

February tour, 2024

Bed only, mix hotels, lodge, hostels & cabins (double and triple rooms), 9 nights 


Breakfast: (prepared by accommodation service and guide staff)
Snack: (prepared by guide staff).
Dinner: (prepared by accommodation service or local restaurants)


Van Puerto Montt to Caleta Puelche

Ferry Estuario del Reloncaví.

Ferry Ruta Bimodal (Hornopirén to Caleta Gonzalo).

Van Puyuhuapi termas and return.


Tour leader: Cycling tour guide, responsible for the expedition, certified in first aid, knowledgeable in environmental interpretation and bicycle touring, intermediate or advanced level in English and bike mechanic knowledge. 

Truck: Driver, is responsible for the support vehicle, to give technical assistance with the repo bike service, food logistics on route, camping and in charge of emergency evacuations.

Mechanic: Cycling tour guide, responsible for the mechanics of bicycles and monitoring of the tour group cycling equipment.  (plus 7 pax)


Camp: Tents marmot 3 stations, for 2 to 3 people, community dome, kitchen implementation.

Safety, communications and first aid: Spine board, orthopaedic neck brace, first aid kits in the car and for the guides on route, VHF communication radios for staff, satellite telephone

Mechanics: Repobike service (spare bike on route in case of serious mechanical failure of personal equipment), tool box, accessories and spare parts.


Trekking: larches trail, Pumalín National Park.

Entrance to the Queulat National Park: Guided trekking on the interpretative trail Lagoon Tempano or the Queulat Glacier.

* The tour includes adventure tourism insurance.

* Customers may carry their luggage in the support vehicle.



International Transfers

Transfer Residence/PuertoMontt/Coyhaique/Residence.

Alcoholic beverages and a la carte meals.

Bicycle and bicycle touring equipment (Additional Service)

International transfer commission or PayPal Charge.

Services not specified above.

Name *

Email *

Mobile Phone *

Tour of interest


¡Gracias! Mensaje enviado.

Chris, Australia

This is the best trip I've done. It's a statement of fact, in any organization has been equally good. We can stop where we want to, you really get the opportunity to immerse yourself in the countryside. Patagonia seemed to be a place which was extremely safe and very beautiful and  people I've had, they're all wonderful

Robert, Canada

"There's people from Chile, Argentina, England, Australia, in which adds to the cultural experience that I don't have before we came...I said, I hope will be people from Chile and South America, and not only foreigners outside Latin America. So that was really great for me."

Catalina, Argentina

“This is a bike tour. We have only done self-supported trip, not in group and I am very impressed with this organization, the company has been amazing and definitely is the journey itself”

Tim, UK

“I love ferry journeys and I'm cycling in relatively unpopulated areas. I feel very fortunate that we can do this. I respect the people who live in these rural areas and work very hard and make their lives there.”
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